alternative dispute resolution
Trainer of arbitrators for four years for a substantial arbitration provider. Prior to that: panel of instructors of AAA international arbitrators; instructor at AAA, domestic arbitrator and mediator training programs.
Also, took the following training courses, among many others: AAA/NYSBA Arbitration Moot Competition (wrote fact pattern) 2015; AAA, ICDR Two Day Neutrals Conference 2016; AAA, Challenges at the Preliminary Hearing 2014; ICDR Sixth Annual Practice Moot and Seminars 2013; AAA, ICDR Two Day Neutrals Conference 2012; AAA Commercial Arbitrator II Training 2002; AAA Arbitrator Update 2001; AAA/USATF Doping Grievance Arbitrator Training 1999; AAA Advanced Mediator Training 1996; two day mediator training, U.S. District Court for the Southern Districe of New York; mediator training, N.Y. Supreme Court (Commercial Division), N.Y. County. |